Policies and Strategic Documents

Document Name

Originally Adopted

Last Reviewed

 Acceptable Usage Policy
C311 – 17/03/2020

Anti-Bribery, Gifts & Hospitality Policy
C182 – 12/11/2019 
C182 – 12/11/2019 
Anti-Fraud Corruption and Theft Policy 
 C330 – 19/03/2019
C330 – 19/03/2019
Bereavement Policy
C145 – 17/03/2015
C295 – 19/02/2019 
Code of Conduct
C252 – 23/10/2012
Employee Handbook
C163 – 18/04/2023 2024
Employee Expenses Policy
C152 – 04/03/2014
 C112 – 14/08/2018
Employee Sickness Policy
C152 – 04/03/2014
 C311 – 17/03/2020
Equality Policy
C182 - 12/11/2019
C182 - 12/11/2019 
Filming and Recording of Parish Council Meetings Protocol
C156 – 15/03/2016
C247 - 21/01/2020 
Financial Regulations
C007 – 23/05/2023
Flexible Working Policy 
 C112 – 14/08/2018
Under Review 
Formal Complaints Procedure
C124 – 10/09/2019

Health & Safety Policy
Coming Soon
Under Review 
Internal Dispute Resolution Policy
C302 – 20/11/2012
C124 - 10/09/2019 
 Investment Strategy & Policy
C071 – 21/11/2023 
Due 2025
Local Government Pension Scheme Employers’ Discretions Policy
C152 – 04/03/2014
C295 – 19/02/2019 
 Lone Working Policy
 C311 – 17/03/2020
 Due 2022
Parish Councillors’ Expenses Policy
C146 – 18/10/2016
 Under Review
Policy for Advisory Panels
C327 – 18/12/2012
Under Review 
Policy for Use of Facebook
C147 – 17/03/2015
Under Review 
Protocol for New Councillor Induction
C163 – 28/04/2023
Due 2025 
Protocol for Remote Parish Council Meetings 
C325 – 21/04/2020 
 C325 – 21/04/2020
Protocol on the Death of a Senior National or Local Figure 
 C222 – 17/12/2019
C305 – 17/03/2020
Risk Register
Coming Soon
Under Review 
Standing Orders
C007 – 23/05/2023
Terms of Reference and Delegations
C008 – 14/05/2019
C008 – 14/05/2019 
Time Off for Dependents Policy
C146 – 17/03/2015
 C311 – 17/03/2020
Travel Policy
C295 – 19/02/2019 
 C295 – 19/02/2019
 Tree and Hedge Management Policy
C195 – 18/01/2022
Due 2023

Freedom of Information

Publication Scheme adopted by Peasedown St John Parish Council

Those documents referred to in the Scheme (that are not available on the website) are held by the Clerk and can be inspected at a mutually convenient date, time and place.

Privacy Notice adopted by Peasedown St John Parish Council