Peasedown Heritage Trail

Coming soon...


The Parish Council has appointed an Advisory Panel to work on a project to celebrate the history of the area and ensure that future generations know “their place”.  The project is to install interpretation boards around the parish with suggested routes to walk between each of the boards.  It is hoped it will encourage more people to exercise and enjoy their surroundings whilst learning something about the history of the local area.

The Advisory Panel is busy designing and producing eight interpretation boards.  They will trace the local history from pre historic through Neolithic; iron age; bronze age; roman; medieval and the many changes resulting from the development of the north Somerset coal fields to modern day, with the parish now mainly being a commuter village to nearby Bath; Frome and Bristol.

There will also be a linked map of the entire parish annotating where each of the interpretation boards are located; along with details of the suggested circular walking route which visits each of the boards.

The boards and map will a permanent display and additional details will be available on this webpage.

If you are interested in being involved then please get in touch.